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Chunks of Plum

DISCORD ID: Chunksofplum (AgitaPlumPlay)#6099

WEAPON: 2D art


CHARACTER(S): Plum, Sliske


Pronouns: She/Her

Physical Description: She is short and slim but not muscular with auburn short hair in 3 braids contained by a Head Piece, she's Caucasian and wears a pink crop top with a yellow band and blue trim at the neck, white flared trousers and blue loafer shoes

Personality: Plum is overall confident and loud, rarely showing her sweet side to anyone, she's sly and isn't against using manipulation to get what she wants, she is however very silly and doesn't take herself seriously

Bio: Plum is an avid cluer and skiller and lover of Cats, She rarely does PVM and in fact is very bad at PVM, she's infatuated with Sliske and sees him as a god, but hates most of the other gods beside Armadyl and Azzanadra

Additional References: here

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