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     Art fight is a friendly “competition” between two teams. The team that has the most points by the end wins. You can gain points for your team by “attacking” members of the opposite team. “Attacking” means making gift art for someone, based on the descriptions and references of their favorite OC or NPC. The person you attacked can “counterattack” by making you gift art in turn, and receive bonus points for doing so. 


  • You gain points for your team by “attacking” members of the opposite team by making gift art for them based on their character descriptions and references.

  • You can gain bonus points for “counter attacking” after you have been the target of an attack. If they then “attack” you again, it counts as a regular “attack”.

  • The mods will assign points to “attacks” and “counterattacks” based on the point system they have designed. This system may change anytime during the event for balancing purposes, and the mods have the final say for each piece.

  • The third week of each month is friendly fire. This is the only time you can earn points by “attacking” teammates. The counterattack bonus does not apply to this special event. 

Keep the following in mind when participating in this event:

  • All parts of this event, including the submitted art pieces and the discussion channel, are subject to regular RAC server rules.

  • Positivity is key when “attacking”. Make art that you think someone will love.

  • This is a friendly competition, emphasis on friendly. Defend your team, show your colors proudly, but keep it light and fun. 

  • NSFW art is only allowed when a participant has indicated they are open to receiving such art on their bio. If you are planning on making NSFW art for someone, you are obligated to message them with your idea to get their consent for the piece. 

The following are not allowed and may result in disqualification from the event or even further disciplinary action from the moderators:

  • Meanspirited art meant to hurt, criticize, humiliate the recipient. 

  • Commissioning attacks. 

  • Begging or otherwise manipulating others into “attacking” or “counter attacking” you. 

  • Making art with obvious intended low effort in an attempt to farm points. 

  • Being aggressive or overly combative towards members from the other team.

  • Making NSFW art that the recipient did not consent to. 

© 2023 by Odam Lviran. Proudly created with

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