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Cyan Cyborg

DISCORD ID: CyanCyborg#9640

WEAPON: 2D art, Writing


CHARACTER(S): Cypress, Khazard


Pronouns: She/Her

Physical Description: A tall woman dressed in a smith's top and cargo pants, her eyes often gleaming with bluish energy behind goggles. An augmenter fused to her chest spins away like a clock, also gleaming with the same divine energy. Quill pens surrounding her scrawl away at notes and blueprints, held aloft with telekinesis. Her heavy makeup is smeared from volatile workshop antics.


Personality: She's a smart cookie, incredibly clever and sharp, but habitually overthinks and overcomplicates. She also becomes easily obsessed with her work, such is the cost of extreme persistence. There isn't a problem she can't crack with the power of invention, she says. There's a competitive streak in her, a trait shared with Khazard, whom she has a bizarre relationship with.

Bio: Cypress is an engineer hailing from Shilo, Karamja, seeking ways to bolster the technology of humanity. At the cost of saving Kharazi, she was horribly injured in the moments before Nezikchened's defeat. Now her heart, and thusly her body, is kept running with energy from an artificial device. She's always making new prototypes, the most recent and stable of which (as of the sixth age) is an augmenter supplied with divine energy. The hunt for new kinds of energy is always on, and she has her sights set on Teragard, though she has yet to find a way to access the plane. In combat, she carries a hand cannon, plus a multi cannon and Oldak coil if she has the chance to lay traps ahead.

Additional Info: I would adore art of Khazard as well.

Fully detailed bio: here

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