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DISCORD ID: hexenniohuru#8335

WEAPON: 2D art, Writing


CHARACTER(S): Fiyanggu, Septimus


Pronouns: He/Him

Physical Description: Olive skin, black hair, brown eyes. Hair is long and most often tied up in a high ponytail with a pale purple ribbon. Little goatee on chin. Athletic build, 5'5 tall. Typically wears a dark purple mage-type robe with gold trim tied with a gold belt, matched with a paler purple cloak with gold trim. Armour consists of gemmed purple bracers, gold trimmed dull green chestplate with attached gem, and damaged gemmed green pauldrons. Gems are all dark purple. The armour pieces are older and some of the decoration - especially on the pauldrons - is damaged. Leather Roman-style sandals on bare feet. Personality: Very much the kind, caring, protective type. Will starfish over people to protect them even if that person would be just fine otherwise. However, prone to sticking his foot in his mouth a lot and coming up with crazy ideas that aren't worth persuing. Very sheltered.


Personality: Fiyanggu was born and raised in the Bandit Camp in the desert, youngest of four siblings. He sneaked away from the camp around the age of 17 to see if what he was told about the world was true. Surprised as he was that the world was not full of demons (though he did mistake a cow for a demon once) and murderers, he did find himself rather spiritually lost. Desert Treasure ended up being the point where he regained his motivation and continued. He wears his family's heirloom armour with pride.

Additional Info: - The armour he wears is the Shadow Magus armour, but pieces are missing and the pauldrons are most obviously damaged. - He is primarily a mage, usually uses blood magic. - His primary weapon is the Herald of Fate staff, also slightly damaged due to age. - Though pretty obviously Zarosian by religion, his devotion is more aligned to Azzanadra, even more so with his ascension. Very much hero worships him, keeps trying to pull him away from harm at risk to himself. Put Fiyanggu in a room with Azzanadra, and the Mahjarrat gains a Human-shaped barnacle.

Septimus Ambrosius Cato

Pronouns: He/Him

Physical Description: Pale skin, blond hair, brown eyes. Hair has been shaved into a monastic tonsure, also wears a horseshoe moustache paired with a forked goatee. Average build, 5'3 tall. Most commonly seen in a white habit topped with a laced brown scapular, held in place with a white band cincture tied at his back. This is covered by a dusty black hooded travelling cloak worn slightly off shoulder. Wears a pair of gold earrings and a three pronged gold necklace containg three light purple gems. Feet are bare.

Personality: Generally quiet and reserved, though also often seems rather conflicted. Will go out of his way to assist someone in need, and will not discriminate on their religion even though he appears clearly Saradominist. Extremely bookish in his knowledge with little practical experience, but will take time to examine how knowledge applies to the situation. Made to grow up very fast, clearly raised multiculturally. Takes betrayal hard, poor at hiding when he is upset.

Backstory: Septimus claims that he was born in Varrock but raised near Al Kharid. His father died not long after he was born and so was raised by his mother. A skirmish with thieves en route to the Abbey of St. Elspeth Citharede left him an orphan. His mother was very religious, and so instead of living on the streets he chose to dedicate himself to the service of Saradomin at Edgeville Monastery, though he had to leave due to the incoming Kinshra attack on the monastery in 164. He states that he now serves as a travelling priest, healing the sick in Saradomin's name.

Additional Info:

- Has a pet cat, Vis. Vis is purple and white, and typically found either across Septimus' shoulders or in the hood of his travelling cloak. Vis is a very typical cat who gets up to typical cat antics. No one knows how he came to own Vis, and no one can attest to have ever seen Septimus without Vis. Indeed, Vis was over Septimus' shoulders when he arrived at Edgeville Monastery.

- How much of his claimed backstory is actually true, who knows. He did spend time as a monk at Edgeville Monastery though, so that part is true.

- A lot of his Saradominist practices, his cultural knowledge, and his ritual knowledge is mixed up, archaic, very out of date. Sometimes he speaks and addresses people in archaic ways (lots of "thee"s and "thou"s), making him sound older than he looks.

- His clothing is intended to resemble that of Cistercian monks. The necklace resembles on the Amulet of Glory (t). - The earrings were his mother's, as was the necklace. He will try to light anyone on fire who touches them. - Primarily an air/smoke magic user. Much prefers defence to offence, unless angered.

- Uses mostly the Purified Wand for a weapon. Does also carry a Shock Eye Staff as a walking staff but will use that to cast too if he has to.

- He tries to avoid getting too involved in the affairs of NPCs, but will happily have a chat over tea with Ali the Wise. - If missing, he is most likely to be found at Ghorrock Fortress. He seems to have an affinity for the place. - He is still blocking me from doing RotM.

- Fiyanggu and Septimus do know each other. They absolutely tease and rib each other good naturedly.

- Fiyanggu sees Septimus as a snobby Saradominist preacher who sticks his nose in people's business, as that is what preachers do according to him. - Septimus sees Fiyanggu as a show off that goes bumbling into trouble.

- For the note: the two do have a thing for each other, and are affectionate when no one is looking. - Fiyanggu is my World Guardian, Septimus is an adventurer.


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