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DISCORD ID: karl#3437

WEAPON: Writing, Games


CHARACTER(S): Winter, Summer, Simon, Korrina

Winter der Messer

Description: 5'2". White hair in twin tails, commonly. Gray/white eyes. Slim, fast, agile.

Personality: Cold, a bit distant. Fiercely protective of her family/children. Reserved, quick to annoy. Does not like to be held under control of Summer der Messer.

Bio: Born in Varrock, in Year 141. Currently 38. Trained Death Lotus Assassin, and crystal singer. Known to have reached bottom of Castle Daemonheim. Mother of three. Part of former Crux Eqal task force to defeat Lucien prior to becoming one of the World Guardians. Bow user.


Summer der Messer

Description: 5'6". Blonde hair to her shoulders. Blue eyes. Athletic but not built.

Personality: Steadfast, religious. Self-assured, a little arrogant. Leader, but pushy.


Bio: Born in Varrock, year 144. Classically trained smith, former sister of Citharede Abbey, and current missionary. Honorary Temple Knight, confirmed White Knight. Wields Silverlight. Part of former Crux Eqal task force to defeat Lucien prior to becoming one of the World Guardians.


Simon Pierce II, Esq.


Description: 5'11". Lanky, not typically suited for physical combat. Brown hair, styled. Hazel-blue eyes.

Personality: Conniving. Superficial charmer. Charismatic to a fault, able to smoothly talk way out of most dangerous situations, and convince others of higher status. Known to be analytical, and plotting.


Bio: Born in 136 in Kandarin, Seer's Village. Petty thief from young age, helped to found numerous thieving operations across known western world. Heavy ties and involvement in Desert, Karamja, and Kandarin. Known ties to pirate organizations, and access to Wushanko.


Korrina Fitzharmon


Description: 4'2" as child, 6'+ as an adult. Long, messy red hair. Gray-ish eyes as a child, more blue as an adult. Wiry as a child, built as an adult from Fremmy Training.

Personality: A girl with a love of adventure, diving headfirst into anything that conceivably be considered such, even if to her detriment. A bit foolhardy and naive at times. Brash and hubristic as an adult, but later humbled after failures.


Bio: Born in Lumbridge in 162, Korrina becomes a World Guardian at 7 years old. She is trained and protected by the other 5, learning and adapting to each of their strengths, weaknesses, and styles as she grows. A born hero and adventurer, she is among the most balanced of them all.


Additional info: here

Additional references: here and here 

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