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DISCORD ID: rallis#9106

WEAPON: 2D art, Writing


CHARACTER(S): Rallis, Astrath


Rallis is a kindhearted blue dragon that prides herself on being a protector of the weak, a mother to any in need, and a fighter for balance between human and monster. Though she may slip up on the last part often, she still tries her best to make humans and monsters understand each other and stop fighting. Generally easygoing and cheerful, Rallis is a ray of sunshine that brings happiness to even those who at first fear and don’t understand her. She trusts easily (some could argue too easily) and is more eager to make friends than enemies. However, just as it is easy to gain her trust and friendship, it is equally as easy to get on her bad side. She is unafraid to kill and those who cross her may very well find themselves face down dead in the dirt.​

Additional Info: here


Astrath is a quiet dragon that keeps to themself. They are not an easy person to read, taught to hide their emotions lest they be used against you, but it’s quite obvious they are a caring person once you get to know them. Although Astrath hides their emotions well, they have difficulty hiding their anger and is quick to fly into a fit of rage, which is almost always what lands them in trouble or danger. They don’t have much patience or love for humankind, preferring the company of fellow dragons or other creatures, and they battle with themself to remember that not all humans are inherently evil. They are very curious about the world and eager to learn its history and they will appreciate anyone who can help them learn, no matter what kind of creature they are. What is their story? Astrath was born in a “zoo,” bred by a wealthy family of nobles in Ardougne. They were one of the family’s most unique attractions and was kept as a living display piece and occasional guard for the household. When they could take this life no longer, Astrath escaped with a young drake and fled, eager to explore the world they had only ever heard of. They vowed to one day obtain enough power and help to return and free all the remaining beasts trapped in the living collection, and perhaps one day even help free creatures across the world. Along the way, they learn about the world, its history, and the dangers it holds.

Additional Info: here

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